We have found 12 articles that will interest you!
Sustainable Living: Is It Possible?
Sustainable living and, to an extent, sustainable building have become a trend in North America. It is considered “cool” to be able to live sustainably. But more than that, it is a good thing to consider living sustainably. You just have to reconsider your lifestyle and make decision for your own good and the planet’s.
Tiny houses are an excellent solution towards sustainable living. At Kinzi Plans we make sure that sustainable building is at the heart of everything we design. Living and building sustainably become more a than possibility, they are an option.
Whether you want to build your tiny house sustainably for yourself or you are considering getting professional help to do so, Kinzi Plans has both solutions for you. We want to make sustainable living a reality, not just a dream and a trend.
It’s not about selling a lifestyle of sustainable living, it’s about doing what’s good for you and the planet now, to live more freely and more healthily.